Upper Country Arts

1.  Life Drawing
    This class will focus on techniques used by the great masters to build proper proportions.  They will draw live models and learn how to train the eye to see three dimensional.  Bone and muscle structure of the human anatomy will be covered as well.  The class is 3 days for 4 hrs. each day.  Dates will be June 8-10 from 9-1 p.m.  Cost is $150.00
2.  Outdoor Drawing
    This class will focus on outdoor art experiences.  The student will draw still life, buildings and animas.  Drawing techniques will be taught to assist the student with light and shadow techniques.  Animal drawing will be covered, and the student will have the opportunity to draw as much as they like.  The dates for this class will be June 15-17, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.  Cost is $150.00
3. Oil Painting
    Oil Painting landscapes and outdoor painting is a must this summer.  Learn how to gesso your painting board, mix colors, paint light and shadow, rocks, trees, lakes, and even wildlife!  This will be a great class, and much of it will be outdoors.  The dates will be June 22-24 from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. The cost will be
$225.00.  Paint and brushes will be provided.
    Class size is limited.  Students must be at least 10 years old.

Art for the Animals Red Rock Retreat

On June 14-19th, artists who love animals will convene at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary just north of Kanab, Utah for the “Art for the Animals Retreat.”  They will be hosted by Cyrus Mejia and his long time associate Cathie McCormick for a six day art experience like none other in the world.  Mejia is one of the founders of Best Friends and recognized throughout the world for his multi-media humane art projects.

Each day participants will have the opportunity to try their hand at life drawing of the animals at Best Friends.  They will also have the option of participating with Best Friends animals in nature hikes for sketching and other outdoor art activities in the beautiful setting of Angel Canyon.

The retreat will include studio work in disciplines such as ceramics, painting, printmaking and digital photography, but will move beyond a skill-based experience to an exploration of each artists “message” Artists will learn how their animal themed art can spread the message of kindness and caring. “"All it takes is one small idea to launch large concepts," Mejia says, "For me, part of the art is the thinking about it, mulling it over and letting the process reveal itself." Participants will explore new methods of thinking and working, new ways of telling their “story” and potentially a way to reach an entirely new audience with their message. 

Nina Laycook, Chairperson for Kane County’s Center for Education, Business and the Art’s Cultural Arts Committee says, “The Arts for the Animals Retreat is a wonderful opportunity for local and regional artists to learn from Cyrus and his peers as well as from one another.”

Daily luncheons and dinners on three evenings will provide a forum for artistic dialogue and networking.  The cost of the “Arts for Animals Retreat is $550, which includes your art supplies and eight meals.  For more information and to sign up for the workshop, please call the Best Friends Humane Education Department at (435)644-2001, ext.4317 or email humane.ed@bestfriends.org. Space is limited.



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